Thursday, April 30, 2009

mild disappointment

I was supposed to get my internet hooked up today, but once again, the internet gods hate me and are making my life miserable. I'm not 100% what the internet guy was trying to tell me, but I'm certain that it was not good news. I think it can be done, but not before next week. He told me to call and set up another appointment for after May 5th.

While I miss talking to my parents and my SBFF, my greatest concern at the moment is that I'm going to miss the Kentucky Derby. For 17 years, the first Saturday of May has been a day of horse-racing devotion for me, the Derby being one of the few races that I still closely monitor. And, of course, Heather and I added new traditions to it, making it even more wonderful than it already is.

I'm not normally one to get all maudlin about skipping/missing/forgetting old traditions, but the Derby has always had a special place in my heart. I'm not even sure when I'm going to be able to find out the results or watch the race online. As yet, I haven't been able to think up a new Japanese-themed Derby Day tradition (having a Skype party with Heather was going to be about it, but that's out too). Eating basashi is the only horse-related thing I can come up with, and that just seems wrong.

Okay, not that I think eating basashi is wrong, because it is delicious and I would gladly eat it again. It just doesn't seem . . . appropriate for the Derby. Basashi being raw horse. Yes, I ate raw horse, and I enjoyed it. Don't be squeamish (you know who you are). The only thing I didn't like about it was the massive amount of garlic dumped on top of it, but that was easily removed and left just a hint of the garlicly flavor. But you see why I wouldn't want to add this to my Derby traditions. I'd be just as happy with a hot brown or a piece of grasshopper pie or even a super-sweet mint julep.

The only plus I see in this situation is that I won't have to get up at 5am to watch the race, and I was plenty willing to do that.

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