The above is a picture of real ramen. Note all of the delicious things floating around in it. Mmmm.
Americans think of ramen and imagine college dorms and slim pickings.
Japanese think of ramen and magic happens.
The flavor of real ramen cannot be described, it must be experienced. It is remarkable.
The sad truth is that it's unlikely that it's possible to capture such wonderful flavor in a little foil pouch. You can't compare real fresh-made sushi with Publix sushi, and you can't compare real ramen with the packaged stuff. It just stands to reason.
Anyway, so this ramen I had. Hitomi had offered to take me to a store to get some things for my apartment, and afterward, she asked if I wanted to go to lunch. She suggested finding a ramen restaurant, and I said okay. I wasn't sure what to expect: I figured ramen = noodles + broth + spices + a little bit of something resembling vegetables floating around.
Uh-uh. First, consider the fact that for the equivalent of about $4.50, I get this ginormous bowl of soup. HUGE. I saw these bowls sitting at other tables, and I thought people were SHARING them. Nope, all for one person. Second, it's got stuff floating in it all right: awesome noodles, yummy veggies, this weird disk thing that I still don't know what it is but tasted good, and thinly sliced pork. That's correct, my ramen had MEAT. And delicious hot broth that tasted heavenly.
Ramen can't be eaten with just a spoon, you've got to get in there with chopsticks to get the best of it all in a bite. It's like going on a treasure hunt. It's highly amusing. By the time I'd finished, I felt like I was about to explode from the deliciousness of it all.
Also, it's important to note that slurping is not only allowed but it's expected and necessary. I haven't quite figured out how to eat ramen without making a complete mess of myself.
Hitomi-san tells me that there are a number of ramen restaurants near GEOS, including one called I Love Ramen. Must find as soon as possible.
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