Thursday, March 26, 2009

T-minus 5 days

The Tokyo travelogue will have to wait. It's mostly just about the St. Patrick's Day parade anyway.

More importantly, moving is hard. I've spent the past four or five days trying to get myself packed. It's not that it's been especially difficult, it's just that it's tedious. And boring. And I'm mostly doing it after work when all I want to do is relax and chill.

Plus, I'm packing at work too. Previous NETs have left all kinds of crap behind that either needs to be packed to send to Ito Yokado or just thrown away. Hitomi-san was told to bring all of whatever props/toys/books I don't take, but I don't see how they're going to fit it all into the Ito Yokado school. It's tiny. The office is miniscule. And it doesn't have any light. But, it's what she was told to do, so she'll do it. I've gone through everything and decided what I want to keep, which amounts to a big box of prop stuff and a small box of books.

On the apartment relocation side, I've received negligent information from my trainer(s): how do I get to my apartment from the train station? will someone be meeting me to give the key? if not, how do I get in? most importantly, how long will it take me to get internet? Actually, the only thing I'm worried about is getting into the apartment. Everything else will follow that. The utilities are already being arranged (Hitomi-san is a saint), and I'll have Thursday to get settled in.

As for my trainer(s), the only communication I've gotten is that they want pictures of my clean and empty apartment yesterday. At which I laughed quite a bit - after I sulked angrily for a while. Cuz, see, I thought I had until Tuesday to clean and empty my apartment. So, it's a major mess right now. Because I'm in the middle of packing and all. I've been doing most of the work at night (read: midnight-3am) because I've been staying at the school all day to help clean and pack there too. Yeesh, I am so sick of this cleaning and packing thing.

So, I spent two hours last night cleaning the toilet room and the kitchen and moving my crap from one side of my living room to the other to take pictures. The bathroom is still a mess because I just happened to do a load of laundry, and it was still hanging up to dry. It was too windy yesterday to hang it outside. As is typical of Gunma's spring weather.

(On a side note, it got cold again this week. Stupid weather.)

The bright side of this is that, if I continue this level of diligence, I'll be 95% ready to move by Tuesday - the other 5% being packing up my futon and finishing up my last load of laundry. So, at least I'll be able to enjoy my last couple of days in Isesaki to hang out at the school and chill with the students. They've all been very sweet and kind and sad about everything. Only two criers so far, but I imagine that our farewell parties are going to bring out the waterworks. We'll see.

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