Thursday, February 12, 2009

ice pack . . . of the GODS!

Overall, my knees are healing pretty well. I'm going to have a wonderful scar on my left knee, and some bruising still remains. Over the weekend and into Wednesday, I was suffering from water on the knee, which was both kinda gross (and squishy) and fairly painful. I spent most of Wednesday walking around the mall in Maebashi with Kozue-sensei.

This is itself was enjoyable - as enjoyable as walking around a mall can be. Kozue-sensei needed to do some Valentine's Day shopping, but apparently so did every other woman in the mall. The Valentine's Day kiosks had definitely seen better days. The highlight of my time at the mall was the discovery that Japan has Baskin Robbins. And they sell crepes. This made me thankful that the mall is far enough away that I can't go there every day.

After all this, though, my knee was not in the best condition. It especially hurt when I was sitting down, so I decided it was time to get a wrap or a real ice pack for it, since I was going to be on my feet in the evening making peanut butter balls. Kozue-sensei took me to a drugstore and helped me pick out an ice wrap, which I put on as soon as I got home.

Instant relief. I hadn't realized how much heat was coming off my knee, and putting on the ice pack made a profound difference. I kept it elevated and still for about an hour and when I got up, I expected some stiffness or at least a little pain. Nope, it was quite painless and moved easily. Color me shocked. And completely appreciative.

Even when I woke up on Thursday, my knee still felt good. I iced it again last night, and I've noticed that there's much less swelling and fluid around the knee this morning. Since I'll be on my feet most of today, I'm thinking about wearing one to work. The important thing is that the achiness is finally going away, and maybe it won't be long before I can get back to working out - which is not exactly a positive incentive, but I need to stick to my schedule.

My head, by the way, is completely okay. Only a small lump and a little tenderness remains. There wasn't even a bruise or anything. Head wounds are so melodramatic, with their blood and severe immediate swelling.

Oh, and hey, today is Friday the 13th. Can't wait to find out what horrors await me today!

(and there's another one in March - 2009 must be one lucky year)

1 comment:

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