Monday, November 17, 2008

Sara-sensei is mobile!

Finally, I have a bike!

The previous manager left behind her (very old) bicycle, which was in desparate need of a new front tire and some oil. It also needed to be de-cobwebbed. Hitomi-san very kindly drove it over to Cainz Home (roughly equivalent to Wal-Mart, I swear you can do and get anything at this store) to get fixed, and voila! I am mobile! Hitomi-san and Benni-sensei were very pleased, as they seem to think I'm a little crazy for enjoying walking everywhere. For a brief while, they were trying to convince me to get a car, but they let that go when I agreed to the bike.

And I love having the bike. I don't mind walking so much, but riding is definitely faster, and I don't mind travelling farther away from the school or my apartment. Tuesdays-Thursdays, I don't have any classes until about 5pm, and I usually don't need to do any lesson plans during that time, so what I've been doing is going out on my bike and riding around for about 30 minutes, getting lunch, and bringing it back to the school. It makes me feel like I'm getting a decent amount of exercise and I don't feel so much like a do-nothing lump. And it's fun. I've located a couple new restaurants I want to try (seriously, the Japanese take on Tex-Mex? I have to see this), and I found a McDonald's, which I'm thinking I should try just because it might be amusing. I'm all about being amused.

My only problem is that I don't have much in the way of accessories. I've got a bell and a small basket on the front. I need to get a couple other items for it, such as a headlight, a reflector, and a basket for the back end to put my groceries. Making plans for making those additions in the future.

But, otherwise, I'm happy with it, even if the brakes squeal and it looks like it could be older than I am. It does have written on it "nice friend," which is kind of cute.

Yay for mobility!


Nick said...

Yessssss I am getting sick of walking, but bikes around here are 13,000 yen.... no thanks I say.

Daryn147 said...

Your bike looks like my bike! Of course I inherited my bike from the old NET teacher so it was free and I can't complain. I need to get a light on mine as well but I'm too cheap to do it. :-)