Friday, May 1, 2009

more internet disappointment

I do not understand the whys or hows of Japanese internet service; all I know is that it's causing me a major headache and inconvience, and I do not see the reason for this. Communication in general doesn't seem to be a problem, so I'm having a hard time figuring out why getting connected has been such a hassle for me.

I will say this - despite my obvious inability to speak Japanese, my proposed ISP has been really diligent about staying in contact with me and trying to keep me updated. Even the internet guy who came to evaluate my lines did his best to communicate to me the problem. (though, at one point, he just looked at me and basically said, "You don't understand any of this, do you?" Ironically, I did understand that. Otherwise, he was absolutely correct.) After Thursday's failed attempt, I thought I would have to contact NTT again myself, but they called me on Friday to set up another appointment. Fortunately, I was in Narita with Benni-sensei, so she talked to them for me. The next appointment they can make for a Monday is June 1st.

Seriously, June 1st. And I'm not even sure if that's an appointment to get internet connected or just to do more assessing/wiring. Benni-sensei (who is not internet savvy at all) didn't quite get the explanation.

I'm now mildly irritated, but the major problem is that I don't know who/what to be mildly irritated at. I've settled on GEOS, because this is their crummy apartment building and if I was still in a Leo Palace, I wouldn't be having this problem. I am extremely unhappy with these living arrangements, and I don't feel guilty about pinning it on GEOS. It's a stupid setup and the most assitance I've received from my boss was, "You could take some pictures of the apartment, and I'll try to help you as best I can. But honestly, I'm not sure there's anything I can do for you."

Fine, except that my main complaints about the apartment have little to do with the fact that it looks terrible and rundown. I really don't care what the place looks like - all I ask for is peace and quiet, internet convienence, and a sense of safety. I have yet to acheivement 100% satisfication on any of those items, though I don't feel that safety is much of an issue (still, the fact that I have a security system and a door with four locks on it keeps me on alert).

Mostly, though, I just wish I had internet capabilities. I'm not patient enough to wait another full month to be able to mindlessly surf the web again, so I'm wondering if looking into other internet option will be worthwhile.

Blargh, why can't things just be simple?

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